
Thursday, July 9, 2015

LDOC and Other Observations

Written while re-watching Orange is the New Black and drinking a liter of Coke Zero...desperate times desperate measures am I right?

Today was the last day of classes.  I'm sorry, what?  Today, July 15th, 2015 was our last day of classes.  Yes, we do have final papers to write that I am not looking forward to doing, but today was our last day of classes.  That can only mean one thing...the end is coming and I am far from ready to leave.

I know from my Facebook and Instagram posts that it seems like all I do is visit cool monuments and eat really good food, but I promise you it has been a lot more than that.  Most days we have on-site classes only to return home to do reading and work in preparation for the next session.  And I promise not all of my meals have been so picturesque, or maybe I just forgot to pull out my camera.  But, back to the point.  On-site classes.  Before coming abroad I had never heard of such a thing.  But, it has actually ended up being one of the highlights of both my classes this summer.  What better place to learn about baroque art than the actual museums where they are displayed?  Or learn about the history of a monument while standing in line at the ticket entrance?  Both of my classes have been different in content and structure yet have provided me with a world of insight that I never knew I had.  In fact, they are places that I would highly encourage you to visit if when you come to Europe (see what I did there?!).  Here are all of the places we went to with class or IES Staff for cultural visits, sorted by city:




While by no means am I an expert on any of these 3 cities, I can definitely vouch that these lists encompass a wide variety of museums, monuments and activities!  I have had an amazing time exploring these places for class, as well as going out on different adventures for myself.  Europe has been quite the "playground" and I cannot wait to see what else Madrid has in store for me these next few days.

Hasta luego!

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