
Monday, July 13, 2015

One Day More

Written after writing the last of my final exam essays in bed...aka where I get some of my best ideas.

With the last period at the end of a sentence and file saved to my computer, I have officially finished the last of my academic obligations not only here in Spain but for my entire program.  It's a funny feeling being done.  Kind of like how you feel at the end of final exams, when all the work you've been doing for so long just suddenly stops.  Like when you press too hard on the brakes at a red light, and the car suddenly slows down to prevent you from crossing the ever-so-important line that would determine if you ran it or not.  At the same time, though, it's a relief.  Knowing you stopped yourself before going any further.  Before anything else could possibly happen and all you know is concentrated on that one fixed moment.  The stop.  You've reached it, and the moment is here.

I wish that I could grace all of you with wonderful stories about some magical weekend here in Madrid, but there are some cold hard facts I have to present.  Remember when I talked about how I was here to study abroad?  Yeah, well, turns out studying abroad involves that ever-so-dreaded final exam period where suddenly you're required to use all that information you learned at one point in time and apply it to some question that makes you question your choice in the class altogether...okay I'm totally kidding and maybe being a little bit dramatic.  But, besides that point, I do admit that I spent this weekend mostly inside working on my final assessments for the classes that I took this summer.  What they don't tell you at first about a multi-city program, though, is that 3 cities times 2 classes equals 6 final assessments.  So, yep, I've been pretty busy.  That hasn't stopped me from getting some really good study snacks in the meantime.....

Churros con Chocolate at Chocolateria San Gines

Napolitana Chocolat at La Mallorquina
But in other news (and attitude), I'm DONE!  Again, it feels sort of weird because we've had so much work across the board this summer that I kind of can't believe it.  But, at the same time it means I just have the rest of today and tomorrow left in Madrid before I get on a plane for the last time and fly back home on Wednesday.  I know I keep saying it, but actually though where did the time go?  Part of me feels like I have been here forever yet another part of me feels like it was just yesterday that we arrived.  Time has a funny way of doing that to you.  In the same sense, I could not believe how long I had been in Madrid yesterday before realizing that I still hadn't done two of the major items on my Spanish bucket list.  So, during two longer breaks yesterday I treated myself with visits to El Rastro (the Sunday market) and Parque del Retiro.

I guess I should apologize for the lack of pictures from the Sunday market.  When you're in a normal size street with about as many people as a UM tailgate and throw in some stores, you're bound to feel crowded.  So, in deciding I would rather have kept my phone and not been pickpocketed, I just decided to walk freely with my roommate through the street before we proceeded to buy cute little pieces of art and then get lost while trying to find a way back home.  No worries, we ended up finding the metro and going to La Rollerie again for lunch.  But, I went to the park on my own time, walking from my apartment through the busy streets until I passed the Prado and eventually found the gates.  I walked around for about an hour admiring the beautiful trees and water, and seeing people picnicing, performing music, running, just enjoying a Sunday.  I left just as the sun was setting and then my roommate and I proceeded to eat delicious tapas for dinner at our new favorite place called the Taste Gallery.

Tonight we have our farewell dinner with IES, which is just another indicator that everything is ending way too fast.  I should probably also get a head start on packing before I forget.  But maybe we'll save that for tomorrow.  Also, the roomie and I have one last adventure to embark on tomorrow before we part ways for the summer.  Be prepared for lots of pictures and stories.  No hints allowed!

Well, it's just about siesta time now and yours truly still hasn't managed to really leave the apartment or eat anything of substance value (unless you count a stroopwafel cookie), so I'm thinking I should get up and get moving!  Until then, have a marvelous Monday!

Hasta luego!

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