
Saturday, June 13, 2015

First Day in La Cita Eterna

Written while watching The Lizzie McGuire Movie by my open window with a view of the Roman sunset.

"Rome, the eternal city?  Did anyone read the info packets?" - I still laugh at this line every time I hear it from The Lizzie McGuire Movie.  As much as I love the slightly eccentric tour guide and high school principal from this movie, it is actually quite nice to be exploring Rome on our own and get a feel for the city before we start classes again.  And explore we did today.  After waking up at noon...seriously, even a short flight from Paris to Rome wore us out.  So we slept in this morning and enjoyed breakfast on the terrace of our new apartment, which by the way I am in love with.  Not just because we are neighbors with the pope, but because it is much bigger and homey than the one in Paris.  I'm all set up in my room now, which I share with one of my classmates.  Our room has a big three-panel window that overlooks the neighborhood, and we figured out this afternoon exactly how it works.  No more sleeping in hot air tonight!  Though it is a bit weird not having any a/c here, I quite enjoy the fresh air that comes in as well as the sounds of Italian music and culture alive on the streets around us.  There's a cool green window shade that comes down from the outside, too, which blocks out incoming light when we want.  Essentially just like the hurricane shutters at school, which are a godsend especially when the sun rises relatively early here.

After getting dressed, I went with one of my classmates to lunch on the Piazza Navona, which has quickly become one of my favorite areas here in Rome.  The artists have their street art set up, and I am excited to go back and pick out a piece for my European art collection that I will frame when I get back from being abroad.  And what could be a better first lunch in Rome than PIZZA?  Nothing, I add, because the pizza here is to die for.  I've decided that I am having a love affair with pizza margherita, the Italian version of cheese pizza.  Seriously, I never knew pizza could taste so good.  Here in Italy, the portions are small enough that you could eat an entire pizza and be pleasantly full.  In fact, it is expected-no, encouraged-to eat the whole thing.  So we did.  It was one of the lower-end tourist pizza stops in the piazza but still amazing.  And I cannot wait to keep eating it.  It's this thin-crust, cheesy goodness sandwiched with tomato sauce in the middle-amore.  If you need any convincing that the pizza here is better than it is in the states, I prove my case with the picture below.  And if you still don't believe me, well, you'll just have to come here yourself.  It's not only delicious, but beautiful.  And it tastes beautiful in my mouth.

After lunch we were just satisfied enough to get gelato near the Pantheon.  2 days in Italy, 4 scoops of gelato.  I'm not complaining...yet.  And it's relatively cheap too, which doesn't help the whole eating thing here.  So I should probably watch out...but still enjoy it at the same time.  After all, the flavors are so rich and delicious that you can't resist.  And in a waffle cone while walking the cobblestone streets...who could resist?  I got chocolate and speculoos (cookie butter flavor) in a small waffle cone that was topped with the Italian version of hardshell and a waffle cookie.

After lunch and gelato, we decided to take a walk and explore on our way to Fontana de Trevi.  I've wanted to come here for as long as I can remember, since seeing The Lizzie McGuire Movie ages ago.  Unfortunately it is under some construction and heavy scaffolding, so we didn't get to see much.  But there's still a place to toss your coins.  It's been said that if you throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain, you are sure to come back to Rome some day.  And if you throw in two, well, who knows what could happen?  Maybe I'll find my Paolo.  But, for now, it's just me and my Pizza Margherita on an eternal love affair through one of the most beautiful cities I've ever gotten to see.  Like, seriously, people-have you ever seen such a beautiful sight?  I'm going to answer for you with a flat out no because everything here is stunning.  Like, in what other city can you walk down a street with little cafes only to find yourself right in front of an ancient church and then see a Sephora across the street?

Just like I found myself falling in love with Paris so quickly, I'm starting to do the same here with Rome.  And we haven't even started classes yet.  You could say it's a win-win.  Until then, it's off to completing my "when in Rome" list and eating leftover pasta for dinner before a big day tomorrow.

Addio bella!

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