
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Rome [wasn't built] in 2 Weeks

Written while taking a study break from my midterm...and yes, it is actually going quite well might I say.

Wow.  Have 2 weeks already passed since I left Paris?  I say it again and again, but I cannot believe how fast time is going by.  I guess that is what happens when you are in a multi-city program, where you are constantly shuffling from one city to the next.  I have to be honest here, though-2 weeks here was perfect.  It gave me just enough time to see everything that I wanted to see, plenty of down time, and just enough distance to cure my initial separation anxiety from Paris.  I have to admit, I came into Rome with high expectations and felt a little lost at first because the city was almost too historic upon arrival.  Luckily enough I was able to ease in and see just how much urban life is incorporated into the big city setting.  Even though Rome wasn't built in a day (or 2 weeks) and I wish I could continue exploring this beautiful city, it is time to continue my study abroad journey in Madrid.  I am excited to return to a city that I once visited during high school and go back to using a more reliable public transportation system-sorry Rome, your metro is nothing compared to Paris or Madrid-as well as being able to somewhat communicate with locals.  But, there are things I will miss.  And tonight as we were riding in the cab back from the Opera (post to come later!), I was thinking about what made my 2 weeks here so special.  And with that, I present my Rome Top 10 List (as per usual, in no particular order because I am the worst at making up my mind about things):

  • Trastevere: a must-visit, especially if you're like me and are obsessed with the Marais in Paris.
  • Piazza Navona: you cannot go to Rome and not visit here!
  • Piazza de Spagna/Spanish Steps: you gotta get to the top for the best view!
  • Food (but especially Spaghetti Carbonara and Pizza Margherita): no explanation needed.
  • Gelato (Giolitti's and Lemongrass take the cake for best all-around in my book): this one definitely needed its own category.  I'll reveal tomorrow how much I actually had.
  • Vatican City: St. Peter's Basilica, Sistine Chapel, Vatican Museums: then again, nothing beats being neighbors with the Pope.  But, expect long waits at the Basilica.  You can book tickets to the Vatican Museums online and should; it's the only way you'll get into the Sistine Chapel.
  • Roman Houses at Palazzo Valentini: amazing.  Incorporation of modern technology with ancient history; creates the image of Rome as a Living Museum (see, Mom? I made a class connection!)
  • Galleria Borghese: I didn't think it was possible to fall in love with a museum; book your tickets in advance!
  • Appia Antica Way: great visit just outside the Aurelian walls; will make you fall in love with ancient history,
  • Mercati di Traiano: slightly off the beaten path, but definitely worth the visit if you're in the city center area.  Everything you would expect from a Roman museum.
Again, we did so much here that it was nearly impossible to come up with this list.  Of course we did the fun touristy things, but I had to pick the ones that I loved the most.  Then again, who could forget throwing a coin into the (fake) Trevi Fountain?  Or seeing the Pantheon for the first time?  It's all amazing-it's ROME!  Huge shoutout to anyone and everyone who gave me advice on places to go and things to see, but especially to Melissa for her detailed to-do list, Toni for her amazing pictures of places, and Sara, Christine, Jackie, Eryn, Becca, and Shelby for food recommendations.  Y'all rock and I seriously don't know what I would have done without your guidance (probably cried out of being so overwhelmed and not knowing what to do with myself).

I still have a full day left in Rome, so it's just a little too soon to say addio or adios to this amazing city.  Until then, it's back to the powerpoint slides and flashcards for me before my final day in La Citta Eterna!

Addio bella!

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